
Nazi Book Burning Essay

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On May 10, 1933, life changed for everyone. That day Nazis began to burn books. Nazi’s are part of the National Socialist German Workers party; their leader was Adolf Hitler. They didn't like the Jews and people of other backgrounds because they didn't have the same belief system and if they wrote books during this time they were destroyed. During this time Nazis felt like they had power over everyone by using propaganda and they used this to their advantage. When humankind tries to have complete power they are attempting to erase culture, religion, and anyone with a different belief system.
First, the Nazi’s tried to erase culture by using their power. For example “George Newman (formerly Hans Neumann) was 14 when he fled Vienna, fearing …show more content…

“On 13 and 14 March 1943, the Nazis liquidated the ghetto, destroying centuries of Jewish culture. Kazimierz was neglected during Poland's communist years, but in the 20 years since Steven Spielberg filmed Schindler's List in the district, Jewish culture has been undergoing a revival.” (Hope Roses Above a Haunted Past). Many years after the original book burning took place, the Nazis were still trying to erase the culture of Jews and other people. In today's world there are still people who want to erase others' culture because they are different from them. For example when Europians tried to stop people from speaking different languages and representing their …show more content…

People shouting at me, Jew, in the middle of the streets, in the center of the city. And if I tell people about things I experience, they say, what? This happened to you. I didn't even know that there is anti-Semitism today in Germany”(Morning Edition).
Anti semitism is being reported everywhere in the world even with famous people. There is also a large number of people who are uneducated about the Holocaust and what the Jews went through. The person in this quote is telling their story about being a Jew and getting made fun of. This relates to how in 1933 Jews were murdered and the books they were writing also got burned. Although the Jews were the main victims with the murders and their books being destroyed people of other religions including Arabs, Muslims, and even certain Catholics were

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