
Nazi Germany Final Solution Essay

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During World War II, Nazi Germany carried out a systematic genocide of Jewish people known as the Final Solution, also known as the Holocaust. It was a terrible event in human history that killed approximately six million Jews and millions of other minority groups, including homosexuals, Romani, disabled people, and political dissidents. The rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany in the 1930s can be seen as the beginning of the Final Solution. Believing that Jews were to blame for many of Germany's problems, Hitler and his followers were highly anti-Semitic. They also held the belief that some races were superior to others and practiced racial purity. Hitler began implementing policies that discriminated against Jews and other minority groups as soon as he assumed power …show more content…

High-ranking Nazi officials met at the Wannsee Conference in January 1942 to discuss a strategy to systematically kill all Jews in Europe. Jews and other minority groups would be sent to gas chambers in extermination camps, which were part of the plan. The principal killing camp, Chelmno, was laid out in December 1941. Five more camps were established over the following few years: Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec, and Sobibor The purpose of these camps was to kill as many people as possible in as little time as possible. In cattle cars, Jews were taken to the camps, where they were stripped of everything and put in gas chambers. After that, the bodies were burned in crematoriums. The final solution was implemented with brutal effectiveness. Along with millions of other minority groups, approximately six million Jews had been killed by the war's end. The Holocaust was a misfortune of incomprehensible extents, and it significantly affected the world. It resulted in the creation of Israel as a Jewish homeland and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which aims to prevent atrocities of a similar nature in the

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