
Nazis Final Solution Essay

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The Nazis’ Final Solution is one of the biggest genocides in our history to this day. The Jews were ignoring all of the signs that they were giving during the Holocaust. They were given hints, but didn’t believe them until the last minute. During the Holocaust, it all happened so fast that the Jews didn’t have much time to think about what was happening or what they should do. The Jews were being treated badly by the Germans and their own people. They were beaten, underfed, and killed for no reason. Jews were surprised by the Nazis’ Final Solution because of ignorance, unknowing of what was happening, and cruelty. The Jews were surprised because they were ignorant. In the book, “But people not only refused to believe his tales, they refused to …show more content…

Even after Moshie warned the Jews, they still didn’t believe him until they heard the news that the Germans were coming. They decided to ignore all of the hints that they were given and were surprised because of it. Another reason Jews were surprised by the Nazis’ Final Solution is they didn’t know what was happening. In the book, "'Comrades, you are now in the concentration camp Auschwitz. Ahead of you lies a long road paved with suffering. Don't lose hope, he said. You have already eluded the worst danger: the selection” (Wiesel 41). In the book, the Jews are taken to the ghettos and then immediately sent to the camps. At that time, they didn’t know what was going to happen to them. In “From the Testimony of Yaacov Schwartzberg about the Jewish Police Deceiving Jews, Ghetto Vilna, 1943”, the text states “That I remember well. It was one of the dirty episodes that the Jewish police did in the Vilna ghetto” (Vashem P2). When the Jews were taken into the Ghettos, they had no idea what was to come. They didn’t know who they could trust, who they couldn’t trust, and what they were supposed to do because everything was new to them. One of the last reasons that the Jews were surprised was their

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