Negative Effects Of Propaganda On American Culture

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The export of American culture is having a negative to other cultures and societies that have adopted from it. Negative outcomes have been troubling for these other cultures with the people within the culture itself and other´s perspective of the culture. The way american culture could be seen as affecting other cultures negatively is by stereotyping cultures, and the use of propaganda . First off, stereotyping certain cultures which impacts the culture in a negative way. America stereotypes people within a culture such as arabs in Islam. They portray it on American media as if they were all terrorists due to catastrophic events which in the past such as 9/11 (terrorist attack). The arab culture identity is being ruined by american media. (The Revolution Is U.S.). This demonstrates the intensity a culture such as islam has to go through by american stereotyping. This shows the negativity that american cultures is troubling those of other cultures by stereotyping which indeed relates to how america …show more content…

During WW2 american movies used propaganda by portraying all japanese people as evil with racist stereotypical facial features(Besieged by “friends”). This was a method to show the japanese as the worst which would lead to the criticism of the japanese culture as a whole. Taking a look back at the Muslim situation, propaganda plays a role within how their culture is portrayed throughout other societies. An example of this is stated by Heather Havrilesky, ”Arabs and Muslims became darker and more foreboding. Today, the trauma of Sept. 11 enables many to cast a blind eye on the way Hollywood perpetuates extreme prejudice against Arabs in America and in the Middle East.“ This demonstrates the further effects of propaganda within america towards other cultures. There have also been signs of american culture actually being beneficial towards other