Neutrality Proclamation

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1. Washington 1789-1797 8/2 Neutrality Proclamation Farewell Address (no entangling alliances) Whiskey Rebellion 1788 Bill of Rights Hamilton's Economic Plan (National Bank) Jay's & Pickney's Treaty 2. Adams 1797-1801 8/2 Barbary Pirates XYZ Affair Whiskey Rebellion 1788 Bill of Rights Hamilton's Economic Plan Alien and Sedition Acts "Midnight Judges" VA and Kent Resolutions 3. Jefferson 1801-1809 8/2 Louisiana purchase Pirates in Tripoly Embargo Act (start of problem that causes war of 1812) Dem/Republican parties form End of Alien and Sedition Acts Keeps bank and Hamilton plan Louis and Clarke explore (Generally, steam engine invented; sets off industrial revolution) 4. Madison 1809-1817 8/2 Non Intercourse Act Macon's Bill #2 War of 1812 Treaty of Ghent Tecumseh-Tippecanoe …show more content…

Fillmore 1850-1853 3/1 authorized Commodore Matthew Perry's expedition to Japan Republican party Compromise of 1850/ fugitive slave act 14. Pierce 1853-1857 4/1 Ostend Manifesto (suggested taking the island Cuba by force) Gadsden Purchase Kansas-Nebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas 15. Buchanan 1857-1861 4/1 Efforts to annex Cuba derailed because the island would surely have entered the Union as a slave state An American named William Walker was arrested for establishing a dictatorship in Nicaragua Panic of 1857 states should decide the legality of slavery within their borders Dred Scott 16. Lincoln 1861-1865 5/2 Mainly, whether major European nations would recognize the Confederacy as a sovereign state. Civil War Harper's Ferry Emancipation Proclamation Suspended civil rights during war First income tax 17. Johnson 1866-1869 3/1 Seward buys Alaska Midway Islands annexed Demanded French withdraw their Mexican puppet government Southern states were only required to swear fealty to the Union and incorporate the 13th Amendment, 14th