
Never Lose Hope In Fly Away Home By Eve Bunting

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Never Lose Hope
By:Hudson Miltner

Our lives are filled with hope whether it is hope for peace, for a new toy or even to make a lot of friends, you always have it somewhere deep inside them. Although hope makes us do a lot of things in life it is still very bad to lose hope. In the story “Fly Away Home” by Eve Bunting, the main protagonist named Andrew, never loses hope. If he had lost hope in getting a new house, he would have missed out on important events that happen, and he probably would never succeed if he overall never had hope. A final way this would affect him is with hope he his a better chance of living happily in a normal house with a normal family.

Like stated, Andrew in “Fly Away Home” would have missed out on things that were very critical to the story and boosted his hope.One thing he wpuld have missed is the bird that was stuck in the main terminal. In a way this represents Andrew as the bird and the main terminal as the airport. Finally the bird gets out while someone was entering through the sliding doors. Another example is if he lost he wouldn’t be as good of friends with Denny because their friendship is mostly based on the fact that they hope to move into the same apartment or house together once one of their families earn enough money for a home. Lastly why he never loses hope is because he wouldn’t believe in himself. …show more content…

If he lost hope he would have never succeeded in saving up for money for the house or apartment. He also never would have never helped people with luggage to their cars and that is how he made all of the money. Yet another way is how he would have probably given up and felt miserable when he saw people meeting each other and saying stuff like “I missed you!” and “It’s good to be back

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