The New Deal was a program that Franklin D. Roosevelt created to help the crisis that was going on known as the Great Depression. The New Deal was not perfect; it had some great advantages to it as well as disadvantages. The New Deal did not end the Great Depression. According to Goldfield, Anderson, Abbott, Argersinger, Argersinger, & Barney (2014), “Above all, the New Deal was a practical response to the depression. FDR had set its tone in his campaign when he declared, “The country needs, and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation…Above all, try something” (Goldfield, Anderson, Abbott, Argersinger, Argersinger, & Barney, 2014). New Deal left out some, which were out of reach of assistance. The African Americans were just one of the groups that remained outside the …show more content…
During the time of the New Deal the segregation against the African Americans along with the lack of increasing their rights was still an issue in the South. One of the things that the African Americans were shorted on was the FERA (Federal Emergency Relief Administration) which gave funds to the states as well as the local agencies. When it came to FERA the whites were being paid more money than those of the blacks. Also the New Deal did bring some more employment opportunities, however with the racism still a factor most if not all of those employers would not hire African Americans. The Agricultural Administration Act (AAA) with this act Roosevelt paid farmers who would cut back on their production or not produce anything at all. This was raising up the food prices while diminishing the supply. The AAA only really benefited the commercial farmers and not those of the poor farmers, which some farmers were African American, causing them to not produce, and those African Americans that worked on farms lost their jobs. Another thing that the New Deal did not do for the African Americans was give them social security; they also denied them to being a part