Why Is Abortion Morally Wrong

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Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before childbirth, effectively resulting in the death of a fetus. It is an extremely controversial topic and is widely split in the middle separating the conflicting views of arguments pro abortion and against abortion. Many people think abortion is morally wrong and believe that it is the murder of an innocent baby with the baby’s human rights being overlooked and ignored. On the other side of the spectrum, many believe that an abortion should solely be up to the woman to choose, as it is her body and not letting her make a choice would be a violation of women's human rights.


Advocates for pro-abortion argue that abortion is a woman’s right in the sense that they get to make decisions for their …show more content…

It was just a spur of the moment and she had every intention of not becoming pregnant but it happened anyway and she is left to deal with the consequences. She might be kicked out of her home, her education would end, she would be financially unable to care for a baby. But with an abortion, she wouldn’t have to face these issues, her whole life wouldn’t be turned upside down and she would learn from the situation, becoming more mature about decisions in the future. Banning abortion would force girls into making decisions that they aren’t ready to make such as an unsafe …show more content…

As of right now in the New Zealand, abortion is legal. You can kill a baby in the womb, vacuum its bodies into shreds and label it as a ‘human right’. But kill a baby after it has been born and you will be charged with first degree murder. It should never be legal to choose whether a child gets to live or die but if you think it is then shouldn’t it be fine for the mother to kill her child at anytime, born or unborn? If it’s legal to kill an unborn child in the womb, it should be legal for a mother to terminate her child at any time. If she can’t support her child, shouldn’t she be able to kill it? It’s the same concept only this time everyone views that child as having more rights than a baby in the womb. By undermining a fetus’s human rights, they are being declared as non-human, just like how Hitler declared jews as non-human. But just because something is proclaimed as not being a human, does that make it OK to kill it? All over the world we currently have our own holocaust taking place, and it’s just as legal as Hitler’s

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