
New Hope Book Report

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Hello New Hope,
As I write this thousands of people are getting ready for one event. People are getting excited, stores are preparing, and everything is about to happen. And that’s just for Black Friday sales. It’s something I sometimes wonder about we have so much excitement and enthusiasm for saving fifty dollars off a television, or for a sports team, or musician. Yet, we have no excitement and enthusiasm for the One who saved our very souls. It’s something to ponder as we enter into a season dedicated to the proclamation of the birth of the Savior.
This Sunday is the beginning of the Advent season. Advent means an arrival or appearing, in the ancient church it was a time set aside to prepare for Christmas and the arrival of the Christ child. Here at New Hope we still carry on that tradition knowing it is no less important in our chaotic world today than it …show more content…

Sunday night we have our annual Christmas carol play and sing along. So bring your voice and whatever musical instrument you happen to play and join us as we make a joyful noise unto the Lord. December 6 is our New Hope Christmas luncheon/potluck. The church will supply the turkey, the mashed potatoes, and the gravy we supply the rest of the meal. Please check the bulletin on Sunday for an assignment of who is bringing what by last name. Then on December 13 I’m pleased to announce a surprise guest speaker, many of you will remember our former pastor Mike Brown. Mike is back in town for a little while over the Christmas season and that morning he has agreed to visit with us and to give the message. I know many of you will look forward to seeing him again. Then it’s the Christmas Eve service on the 24th and a day of rest and celebration for all of us. With that I will add a quick reminder that the church office is closed the week following Christmas but in an emergency please feel free to contact myself or one of the elders to

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