Nfl Buyer Power Essay

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Another economic feature of the NFL is buyer power. In the NFL, buyer power is everything because the league is ran on their fans. Last year the NFL made $7.8 billion off of their TV contract alone (Wagner-McGough, 2017). The reason this deal can be priced so high is because the NFL TV ratings are so high. In 2017, thirty-seven of the fifty most watched TV broadcasts were of NFL games (Putterman, 2018). That means that the main reason the NFL makes money is because they have so many fans viewing their product. Buyer power also affects the individual teams of the NFL. The consumer affects game day sales and profits, and the main reason why NFL teams move from city to city is because of lack of fan interest. Without fans, the NFL couldn’t survive; …show more content…

Historically the NFL has dominated the relationship between their athletes, but recently the players have fought back. In order for the NFL to survive it must have a healthy relationship with its players, but that can often be misconstrued. The NFL has always had power over their players with the threat of suspension, fines, and other penalties. Since NFL players are under strict contracts with their teams, it has always been easy for them to be controlled. Also since the NFL is the premier football league and considered a monopoly, they can control the prices they put on players. However, the players have realized that their power is stronger than the NFL’s by utilizing the NFL players association and their own collective bargaining agreements. These utilities have allowed the players to speak up for what they think they deserve regarding health issues, wages, practice schedules, season length, and so much more. NFL players have also realized their power by protesting major issues. Concussion issues and the National Anthem protest are two recent ways NFL players have stood up for what they believe and showed their power. With all of this being said, the NFL couldn’t survive without their players, but the players can survive without the NFL because another league would pop up and those athletes would just go transfer leagues instead. At the end of the day the industry of the NFL will always be better off if a healthy relationship is