
Niccolo Machiavelli Research Paper

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Niccolo Machiavelli was a prominent figure throughout Florence Italy and the rest of the world. May he rest in Peace. Dear Niccolo was born on May 3, 1469 in Florence Italy and very sadly passed onto the next life on June 21, 1527. In his home town Florence, Niccolo was very loved, but also despised but mainly loved and revered by those who truly knew him from his gentle and forgiving heart. Niccolo grew up with his loving and gentle two sisters, and his adventurous brother. His family was well off, with his father being a lawyer and a small land owner. When he was at the age of 7 years old, he began his education. His gifted and talented mind was the focal point of his career. With his keen interest in learning, he was taught Latin. His tutors were amazed at his gifted …show more content…

Once he was older and ready to settle down, he married a independent darling woman named, Marietta Corsini. From their marriage, they created six loveable angels, four sons, and two daughters. Their names were, Piero, Guido, Bernardo, Baccina, Primerana, and Lodovico. His dear children were the loves of his life, and every moment he spent with them was cherished, and beloved until the day of his death. Niccolo was so worthy of the responsibility of being the Chancellor and Secretary to the Ten of Liberty and Peace, which was a sensitive government agency that dealt with warfare and foreign affairs. The perfect career for a brilliant man full of potential. Niccolo was humble enough to take on the difficult diplomatic missions and the political events which provided him with the need to know knowledge on the government and military that he so desired. He quickly gained a vast amount of political importance and respect from his position. Unfortunately when Spain attempted to gain control over Florence, and the rest of Italy, Niccolo was arrested, imprisoned, and tortured for suspicion of schemery despite him being innocent the entire

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