Nicomachean Ethics By Aristotle Analysis

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In now days, many people do not know what does the word “happiness” means or feels, some people may think it is when they are in a good mood or when something happens and they feel very good about it. Aristotle said: "Every man has a right to be happy because happiness lies in the leisure spirit.” To get there people must have pass through a bad time or situation because happiness is where there is virtue and true effort, because life is not a game. Being honest, I had never seen happiness from a point of view as clear as Aristotle did. Happiness is a subject that has preoccupied man since its inception, and in the same way, to philosophy. Happiness is a close to society and therefore very important issue. Aristotle in his “Nicomachean Ethics” presents the idea that the end of man is happiness and how people should lead a "good life". Happiness consists in the exercise of the activity of man. Such activity is none other than the soul and to be perfect must be accompanied by the virtues. Towards the end of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle stated the activity of the man and what gave him greatest happiness was the contemplative life.
Aristotle defines happiness as a supreme good, because only by being happy, the fullness of life is reached, but to reach that fullness people should give the best of each, to fully exploit all the potential, but in a …show more content…

All acts are linked with the ability to reason, but sometimes there are people who are driven by feelings and passions and act instinctively to achieve something more. Aristotle said that a happy man is one who has everything he needs, to develop their full potential, and the development of the potential is that it manages to achieve full happiness, this means that a happy man is one who does not want anything more of what he has already and focuses more on the rational part than on the