Nietzsche's Beyond And Evil And The Genealogy Of Morality

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The challenge starts with spelling his name, N-i-e-t-z-s-c-h-e. The next challenge is to go past his rather controversial statements such as ‘god is dead’ to understand his basic ideas and thoughts throughout his book. Friedrich Nietzsche lived rather a life of travesty. Although he academically excelled, becoming a professor in the University of Basel in his mid-twenties, he meets a series of unfortunate events. Firstly, he resigns his career as a professor due to health problems which would later haunt him till death. Secondly, he starts to lose his mental faculties and moves frequently away from his family, whom he hated. Finally, his books were frowned upon at the time for being too ‘different’ and most women rejected his affection. However, in the midst of travesty, Nietzsche produces a number of influential work including Beyond and Evil and the Genealogy of Morals which later had profound influence on Western philosophy and modern intellectual history. Nietzsche states two distinctively different moralities: master morality and slave morality. In this sense, Nietzsche describes the morality opposition of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ similar to the ‘noble’ and ‘contemptible.’ The ones, the noble, who abide by the master morality is powerful, respects suffering and harshness, and is not made for pity. Hence, they are ‘good’. Nietzsche describes these people as “noble and courageous human beings” (260). Ones with master morality is the …show more content…

This new morality is for the slave majority and is ‘evil’. We naturally have terrible suffering, and through pity, we have learned to hate ourselves and look out to the world to find people to suffer with (222). On the other hand, the master morality would rather have more suffering of the weak while the democrats think otherwise. Suffering for the master morality is good for them, as they state that they learn from the suffering