
Night Elie Wiesel Reflection

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During my eighth grade year in my honors English class, we had to read a novel based on the events that occurred during the Holocaust. I decided on Elie Wiesel’s Night. Wiesel captured his life living as a Jewish follower and his journey through the wretched train car rides and backbreaking work in concentration camps at only fifteen years old. While I was fourteen during the time I had read his novel, it made me realize that Wiesel’s life was on the line, one wrong move and he could be executed at any moment. If I were to do something erroneous, I would have multiple opportunities to fix my mistakes, but he could not afford to take such a risk. I realized that I took small everyday tasks for granted, such as having three meals everyday, clean …show more content…

I started thanking people more, such as a stranger who held a door open for me, or a waitress who brings me my food, but also my parents for taking time from their busy schedule to drive me to work and to come to my extra curricular activities. I also took time to listen to my Papa’s stories before he passed away so I could be the one to tell future generations about his adventures that we’ll never have to experience because he went through hell for his family. I will never experience what it was like in concentration camps under the rule of Adolf Hitler, but Elie Wiesel did , and by him passing down his experience through his novel, I have read about the conditions and felt pain from his words, but I do not take anymore small, scanty detail or task for granted, because tomorrow is not promised and we are not guaranteed another chance at life. And even though I do have a rather privileged life compared to Elie Wiesel at the time, I still act as if everyday could potentially be my

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