Night Elie Wiesel Sparknotes

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Night by Elie Wiesel is not an ordinary novel; it's a lesson about human endurance, humanity, and the past that shapes the present we live in now. Introducing this book to 8th graders will greatly change how they view the Holocaust, they will see it through Elie s eyes and not through a textbook. This novel will show and also teach about the horrors of the Holocaust, how humanity is found during hard times, and ethical decision-making. Night will show the dark moments of our past to 8th graders and enlighten them. First Night shows 8th graders the horror of the Holocaust. The Holocaust is an event that occurred in WW2 that killed millions of innocent people outside of war. In the autobiography, the main character, whom we see the story through. Is taken by the Nazis for being Jewish, and the horrors unfold. In Night it shows this on pages 14-16, We are being taken to Hungary to work in the brick factories, Elies father said. This shows that the Nazis are taking innocent Jews to forcefully work, this should be shown to 8th graders to show that what the Nazis are doing is bad and to help kids understand the true meaning of the Holocaust, changing their view on it. Reading this to 8th graders will open up new thoughts about the Holocaust. …show more content…

This is shown in Night when Yossi mumbles, “Let's stay together, it will make us stronger”. This shows that even though they are in difficult times, they still believe in themselves that they will endure this pain and torture. This shows that humanity always finds its way around dark times, teaching 8th graders a valuable lesson. This lesson helps with decision