Nightjohn Movie Vs Book

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Nightjohn was a very interesting story. I enjoyed reading and learning about how slaves were treated. The movie was also a great way to learn about slavery. However, the book was very different from the movie in a few ways. The beginning of the book, Nightjohn was introduced. The night he came, he met Sarny in the quarters. Both, the book and the movie introduced Sarny and Nightjohn the same way. They met when Nightjohn said he’d trade letters for tobacco. Sarny gave him the tobacco and learned the letter A. For next few nights in both the book and the movie, Nightjohn continued to teach Sarny the alphabet. In the book, Sarny was caught writing in the dirt, but Mammy was punished for it. Waller made her pull him in a wagon. He whipped her …show more content…

In the book, Nightjohn left at night, but he promised Sarny he would come back. Sarny thought she would never see him again. One night, Nightjohn came back to get Sarny. He brought her to school with other slave children. Together, Nightjohn and Sarny taught the children to read using a catalog. In the movie, Waller caught Sarny reading at church. He threatened to shoot her and some other slaves. Sarny used what she read about in Waller’s house against him. She found out how much each of the slaves cost, so she knew Waller wouldn’t shoot anyone. Instead, Sarny was sold. Mammy was very upset. When Sarny was on the way to the new plantation she was going to, she asked for tobacco. Another slave wanted to trade, so Sarny said she’ll trade letters. I enjoyed reading the book better than watching the movie. I didn’t like the movie because is was very different from the book. The movie missed a lot of big events from the book. I didn’t like that the characters were changed. In, the book Waller’s wife was not seeing another man. His son also wasn’t trying to help the slaves. Waller’s family was hardly mentioned in the book anyway. I wanted the book and the movie be the same or at least similar. If someone wants to make a movie based on a book, they should be similar. The movie had a complete different