Nikola Tesla Research Paper

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Have you ever turned on a light bulb and said,"Hey me first why are you talking to yourself, and two, how does this work and who invented this?". If you are not insane, you probable have not. Well I will answer the who invented this part. One person who help do this is Nikola Tesla, who invented the main way of energy transfer. The other person is Thomas Edison, who invented the lightbulb. Tesla is a Serbian-American inventor that is most famous for inventing the tesla coil and helping improve the alternating current system. He is not as well known for inventing a plane that could take off like a helicopter 27 years before other people thought of it(if you don't count Leonardo Da Vinci), RADAR 18 years befor it was commonly used, and held …show more content…

Thus starting the war of currents. Tesla's Ac current was cheaper and had a longer range, but it was a lot more dangerous. Edison's Dc current had to have substations built every mile for the current to continue going, but it was a lot safer. Both people tried to prove that theirs was better. Tesla and Westinghouse, his friend who also supported Ac, said that there were a lot more dangerous things in the city that can kill you than Ac. Edison took a more violent approach to prove that Ac was dangerous, by publicly executing small and large animals with it, he also invented the electric chair to prove how it could be used to kill. Edison petitioned the city of New York to "Ban the dangerous high-voltage Ac current, and replace it with the safe low voltage Dc current." This appeal worked and all the Ac power lines were cut down. People soon switched back to gas to power lights. In one year there were 26 gas related deaths, but nobody cared. Finally Westinghouse successfully sued General Electric, Edison's company, for using one of their patents without there permission. This ended the current war with Ac winning. Ac is still used today, from light bulbs, to power outlets Ac is being used. But Dc is still very important, being used on batteries or other devices that don't require that much voltage. Over all Edison and Tesla were both very influential, but I think Tesla had a bigger impact on society. Without

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