Nile Giver Research Paper

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Did you ever wonder how the Nile gifted its people? The Nile was an amazing source to ancient Egyptians. The Nile was super important because it gave good and bad surprises. It was called ‘’ Giver of life’’ because of its gifts. It was also called the ‘’Taker of life’’ because of its floods and destruction. The Nile had its ups and downs but it was like heaven to the ancient Egyptians, and they appreciated it. The Egyptians are very thankful, why?, because it gave them the following.
The Nile River was important to the development of agriculture. The Nile gave the Egyptians fertile land and soil. When the Nile flooded its waters fertilized the land. They also got many foods to trade or have as surplus. Because Egypt gets little rain, and is surrounded by hot and sandy desserts, the Nile was very important back then. Thanks to the Nile, the Egyptians received many things so that later on it would be an astonishing empire. …show more content…

The animals like fish, gave extra food. Its waters were plentiful or abundant. Also, thanks to the Nile the people there didn’t have to move from one place to another because there was enough of everything for everyone. The Nile gave great resources. Without the Nile, Egypt would be nothing in comparison to what it was before. The Nile River served as a source of innovation for the ancient Egyptians. Sometimes it did not flood enough and the Egyptians had to use food from their surplus harvest. All this gave the Egyptians good reasons to innovate. The Egyptians began by gathering materials and started creating. They used calendars to keep track of the number of days between the flooding cycles. Irrigation canals to transport water to crops were also made. And also boats to transport through all of Egypt. The use of these things helped Egyptians solve the problems from the

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