
Non Profit Healthcare Organizations Pros And Cons

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After researching the pros and cons of profit and non-profit healthcare organizations, it appears that they are polar opposites. For-profit looks to achieve profit in all areas of the organization. They tend to have better amenities, shorter wait times, state of the art technology, including imaging machines (Bizfluent, 2018).Non-profit organizations usually look for community benefit. They offer more services related to rehabilitation, home health care and psych care (Bizfluent, 2018). Non-profit organizations see more acute care patients related to trauma and burns and have a larger amount of beds available for patients needing inpatient care (Npinstitute, 2018)

I am currently employed at a non-profit governmental organization. At times, I believe the organization is ran more like a business than a organizations whose mission is to prevent disease and promote a healthy community. Compared to profit organizations who employ registered nurses with similarly experience, the pay is decreased despite the amount of work that is warranted. The goal has always been productivity, how many more people can we see with less resources, less time and the same amount of staff. …show more content…

Bizluent (2018) states that non-profit organizations have a decreased mortality rate compared to for-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations are valued for their personalized care and its affordability. At this current time, with the state of the country and the low rates of individuals with health insurance, I think it is imperative that healthcare is affordable. The value of non-profit hospitals in comparison to the tax cuts are weighed based on the organization community benefit (Herring, Gaskin, Zare, & Anderson, 2018). Herring, Gaskin, Zare & Anderson (2018) went on to discuss that hospitals are having a hard time arguing in court the excess of income from tax exemptions in relation to their community

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