Non-Violence: Nonviolent Actions, Military, And Cultural Change

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Certainly, a war cannot attain what peace can in all contexts. The power of peace often rule over governmental repression and poverty, over physical suffering and diseases, over immorality and illiteracy, and over superstition and ignorance. The take-over of peace is bloodless and non-violent, which does not bring any form of misery to humanity and does not damage property and life. However, war, either military or civil war, brings about series of untold and blood disasters. Surely, only the conquests of peace do not insert mutilated bodies or wounded limbs, no scorched fields or destroyed cities. Therefore, it is important to maintain peace and seek solutions through a peaceful means, rather than military or violent actions. Peace can be achieved through different means discussed in this paper: nonviolent actions, peaceful societies, culture change, and understanding of human nature, but not limited to these factors.

Non-Violence …show more content…

Nonviolent action does not follow any violent opposition or passive support of repression, but it is an active dedication to use nonviolent strategies. These strategies include education, strikes, boycotts, civil disobedience, direct action, noncooperation, persuasion, and protest. They are utilized to resist or prevent any violent forces with the aim of promoting some change (Kadayifci-Orellana, 2003). Nonviolent actions show that it is a better and moral practice to solve certain problems, instead of initiating a blood-spattered military