Nonsensical Writing Style Of Lewis Carroll's Jabberwocky?

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Lewis Carroll is most greatly known for his nonsensical writing style throughout all of his poems and stories. Carroll’s interest in literature started at a young age, and his love grew for writing as he grew older. As Carroll began to embark on his adult life, after graduating college, his writings started being published and noticed. Carroll’s most successful stories, being Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass were also produced during this time. “Jabberwocky,” a poem from Through the Looking Glass, tells the story of a boy going on a quest to slay a horrible beast. Carroll’s “Jabberwocky” is so famous and widely known for its ballad like stanzas and portmanteau word use, all of which make it so unique. Many critics such as Cliff Saunders and Caroline M. Levchuck enjoy Carroll’s work and have their own opinion on the poem “Jabberwocky.” Lewis Carroll wrote many great pieces over the course of his life, but one of his most successful is “Jabberwocky.” Being older than eight of his brothers and sisters, Carroll learned how to entertain children very early in life by writing small magazines and imaginative stories for his siblings. This would be a skill that Carroll possessed all of his life and showed through his writings (Dodgson 140). Carroll was born on January 27, 1832, to Reverend Charles Dodgson and Frances Jane Lutwidge. Carroll, who was the third born and oldest son, had ten siblings in total (“Lewis Carroll” 353). The family originally