
Nonverbal Communication Analysis

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Introduction The way communication takes place is a vital part of our interactions with others whether it be in the workplace or in social settings. One aspect of communication that is sometimes over looked in non verbal communication. This can involve anything from eye contact, facial expression, body language and proximity during the exchange of communication. This topic is going to be further explored due to the lack of knowledge surrounding the topic as well as it being an important aspect of communication. Nonverbal communication in some cases can be more effective at relaying your thoughts than the actual words being said. Therefore, having an understanding of the aspects of non verbal communication and how they may be perceived is the …show more content…

These aspects are taken into consideration when trying to interpret another person’s facial expression. It mentions that facial expression is not always intentional and can be a good gage for observing what someone is really feeling. Many aspects of nonverbal communication are unconscious making it an interesting yet difficult area of study. (Bull, 2001) Facial expression is a clear indicator of a person’s true emotions, it can be categorized into two subgroups; spontaneous and voluntary. (Bull,2011) When assessing another person’s facial expression, it is important to keep different cultural norms in mind. The neurocultural model of facial expression states there are six fundamental inherent facial expressions that can be modified. (Bull, 2001) These facial expressions can be modified through the understanding of display rules. Display rules, are social expectations set by different cultures about how, when and at what time it is appropriate to express one’s feelings. Different cultures have different display rules which can influence the way in which their facial expression may be expressed as well as interpreted. (Bull, 2001) This source was useful in giving insight on the importance of facial expression in nonverbal communication. In …show more content…

Credibility was linked to eye contact, paralanguage, facial expression and posture. Each aspect was analyzed in terms of it’s importance and linkage to credibility. Being credible is subjective because it is how the receiver of your communication perceives your believability when an interaction occurs. (Fatt, 1999). Eye contact was identified as the most prominent nonverbal form of communication in terms of whether or not you come across credible. It was found that the maintenance of eye contact during communication is an asset in being credible when communicating with others. (Fatt, 1999). Eye behaviours such as exorbitant blinking, shifting gaze with whom your communicating to and unlocking gaze for long periods of time are associated with coming across less credible when communicating. Next, there are aspects of paralanguage that can influence one’s credibility. These include articulation, speed at which a person is speaking, the volume and their voice and pitch. (Fatt, 1999) Having a strong voice tone, speaking at a moderate pace that can be interpreted with ease and having accurate pronunciation are assets in credibility in communication. In addition, having confident and accurate body language along with gestures is beneficial to one’s credibility and having unnatural

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