Five hundred years ago, European explores landed in North America. After trying to locate a new route to Asia across the Atlantic Ocean, they found a continent they did not know existed. Three different groups traveled to the New World, starting in 1584 (Basu, Tanya). The last group included Governor John White, whom had to return to England to submit his report to the Queen. John White tried several times to return to Virginia, it wasn’t until a few years later he was finally able to returned to his new home. When he did so, the land was barren and deserted of all people. Thus began the greatest mystery of all times.
Three different groups traveled to the New World, starting in 1584 (Basu, Tanya). Sir Walter Raleigh, a wealthy courtier and
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The group of men consisted of military groups and scientists (Basu, Tanya). Their mission was to further investigate the new lands. Their time there on this new land, however; was not pleasant. According to Clay Swindell, a member of the archaeology team investigating the colony, “That’s where tensions begin with the local Native American tribes” (Basu, Tanya). It was believed the Indians were upset because the new colony was trying to come in and they were taking up to much space and resources. Grenville had arrived with new supplies and more men for the troops in 1586 (Ewen, Charles). Little did he know, he was returning to an empty encampment. No one really knows what happened to the colony. Archeologists suspect the colony was driven out by the local tribes (Basu, Tanya). With written evidence, archeologists found that Grenville left fifteen men and the supplies he had on hand (Ewen, …show more content…
The only thing White found was a couple cryptic messages: “CRO” carved on a tree and “Croatoan” carved into a fence. The only explanation White could come up with, was the colony had moved to Croatoan Island 50 miles to the south (Horn, James). While he was trying to track down his family and the members of the colony, a huge storm swept his ship further out to sea (Horn, James). He had no choice but return to England. White later moved to Munster in southern Ireland. He was not able to return to Roanoke because of his old age. White passed away in the late seventeenth