North Korea Pros And Cons

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Fred Hiatt, an editorial page editor of The Washington Post describes North Korea’s main issues by stating, “generations of isolation, propaganda and warped morality take a toll.” Living in a hermit kingdom is extremely difficult to obtain any accurate information of the outside world. People only have access to the reportings of the bias North Korean media. The North Koreans regard the conduct of the government as customary because they are not familiar with any other government. In reality, the dictatorship represses freedom greatly by abusing their power to it's people. They are raised as something less than human, as if they are stolid to the unvirtuous treatment. Therefore, the regime of North Korea is detrimental to its citizens physically …show more content…

As a result, this causes blindness of the life outside of this hermit kingdom because there of the lack of interaction. In addition, only an extremely rare few have access to telephones or internet. This also supplements the chance of anyone discovering anything about the countries outside the borders of North Korea. North Koreans do not have access to any outside knowledge, they can only rely on the governments’ information, which appears to be full of propaganda, but the citizens are unaware because of the lack of resources. “The five basic techniques use isolation, control, uncertainty, repetition and emotions. They work because our brains are not static and self-sufficient, but constantly updating information about our environment, creating minds and generating behaviours. Change the incoming data, control the behaviours, and you can change the minds”(Taylor). When the government isolates North Korea, it then controls everything that gets put in the minds of these citizens, which gives them a greater advantage in obeying and trusting them. The citizens cannot access any true information unless the regime approves. The regime also opposes capitalism because it does not want its people to thrive or have any authority. Another form of manipulation for the government’s gain is how the media displays the Pyongyang Store full of innumerable goods, but it is deceiving because it’s all a facade. No one can actually buy anything from the store.The media also depicts North Korea as being very wealthy with a booming economy and says it is the greatest country, however this is false and they are behind in technological advancements. Around 75% of the people live in poverty. The