
Northern Triangle Of Central America Essay

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Should be The Death Penalty Approved in Northern Triangle of Central America?

Crimes are the main reason of death in northern triangle of Central America’s countries, such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Moreover, these three nations among the top five crime rates in Latin America. The governments spend time and money in order to prevent the murders but the statistics does not show a reduction in crimens. On the other hand, the coercive system is a tool that the governments use to eradicate the violence. But another way to prevent the crimens is a stronger law that includes death penalty. The biggest questions may be, what is the meaning of death penalty? and in what kind of crimes this law should be applied? Although some people think that the prison is a strong punishment, criminals continue committed crimes,for that reason, the only solution to reduce the murders and …show more content…

As a first issue that the death penalty can have is that innocent people can died.. The opponents say that this law is unfair and innocent people can died. According to an inform for the Columbia Human Right showed the case of Carlos DeLuna a man who was died in the hands of the death penalty. In this case the state of Texas do not show evidences like DNA, they only use a eyewitness testimony to convicted Carlos DeLuna. Also, two decades after the execution of Carlos DeLuna people knew the truth about the case and men was innocent. This case is one of the many cases where innocents person died. For that reason, people who is against consider that the death penalty can kill more innocent people than guilty. In addition to that point, in countries like El Salvador and Honduras where government do not have a good resources to investigate thoroughly this kinds of laws can be dangerous. On the other hand, this point can be refuted with only one thesis. The law needs to be reform not to be eliminate. The solution for that is simple types of

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