
Pros And Cons Of Abortion And Death Penalty

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According to the Declaration of Independence every american has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our modern laws do not support our unalienable rights. Abortion, death penalty, and unequal gender wages all support that our modern laws do not support our rights. Abortion is very controversial, people don't realize it is murder and shouldn't be legal.
Approximately 1.21 million abortions occur each year, that is around 3,315 per day ( abortionno.Org ). People argue that because it is a fetus and unborn, it is not technically a human being. According to abortion.procon.org “Life begins at conception, so unborn babies are human beings with a right to life”. This is saying that if the baby is conceived, it is a human being with rights. There has been lots of discussion if women who are rape victims and get pregnant would not want to keep their baby; but according to abort73.com only 1% of abortions are due to rape. Abortion is considered murder, according to the US government “Unborn babies are considered human beings” it also says “anybody intentionally …show more content…

Death penalty takes away innocent peoples life, according to amnestyusa.org “Since 1973, 140 people have been released from death rows throughout the country due to evidence of their wrongful conviction. In this same time period, more than 1,200 people have been executed”. This means that 1,200 innocent people have been killed for not doing anything wrong. Based on deathpenaltyinfo.org, year 2000 had the highest recored execution at 98 people, and in 2014 the was only 35 executions. The execution rate seems to be going down, but they are still occurring which needs to change. Execution is an extreme route to take to punish the criminal, it would be more worthwhile to let the criminal learn from their mistakes. This is taking away the right of life for all prisoners who are

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