Nt1310 Unit 3

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Network and trust are availed to everyone-There is the allowance to edit, share, reuse… of data.
Content sourcing-Users are motivated and encouraged to update data; the better it gets.
Trust-Workers and clients can gain access and use web tools on their own.
Mode of sharing is bottom up not top up.
Worth and usefulness lies on data and content not the app/software.
Data delivery/distributing uses numerous ways; permalinks, file sharing…
One is charged in accordance to how one use the service more/frequently.
Users are participants.
Experience is modernized and digitized. Usage of asynchronous java script +xml.
How efficient is the mode of communication and are team work skilled enough with better communicating strategies?
Do members of …show more content…

Jing-A technology that allows one to share video, audio, recording and speech with other members. It enhances communication among members. A challenge is some of its future requires to be purchased hence usage of money.
4. Skype- It’s an app that enables teleconferencing of members. Members can view each other and exchange audio during a meeting. This enhances communication and strengthens the bond between members. However, it requires technical know how and skills for effective usage of the app.
5. Drop box- It’s a technology that eases distribution of files. Once one puts any data in the drop box, the data or information automatically becomes available to every other member. It saves a lot of time and money. No need for items; flash disks for saving. It requires one to always and persistently be online.
Web2 is made up using a user friendly app. A user can make updates as one pleases. One can edit, share or even print data. Users have some abilities. Web 3 is a more advanced app. The app allows computerized products; mobiles, tablets, laptops, to process data on their own. When connected to the net, the system automatically engages in the surrounding network. These products are now able to exchange data own, their own. For instance, the internet in collaboration with one’s memory card, can know what type of music you love. Then, it can search in the network and site, and automatically downloads the

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