Nt1310 Unit 3 Quiz

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Put an “X” in the appropriate Yes/No boxes below. If any of these questions can be answered “Yes,” provide details in the space below the question and consider contacting an IS Assurance Specialist. Please write in the white areas only Yes No 1.1 How many users does the client’s system have (e.g., people who log on)? _________ If more than 40, check Yes box. 1.2 Does the client have a wide area network (WAN) or a mainframe (i.e., AS/400, RISC6000)? If yes, provide details below. 1.3 Does the client use various accounting software products from multiple vendors? (Refer to grid on page 3.) 1.4 Does the client do any programming in-house or hire consultants for this purpose? If yes, provide details below. 1.5 Did

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