Yourview Research Questions

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Research Questions In order to understand why patients choose to enroll or not to enroll in the YourView program, as well as discovering the barriers to enrollment, we will use the following three questions to guide our analysis:

Question 1. What are the demographics of patients at EHMH?
This question aims to complete the goal of understanding aspects of the patient that may potentially correlate with whether or not the patient is enrolled in the YourView patient portal. This process will be conducted via a survey instrument administered to patients who both have and have not enrolled in the YourView portal.
Question 2. What are the barriers that inhibit patients from enrolling for YourView?
This question aims to complete the goal of understanding …show more content…

Our group expects that the surveys that we will be administered will capture information pertaining to the demographics that of the patients at Engelbert Humperdink Memorial Hospital, and will further expand on the differences in demographics between those who are enrolled for YourView, and those who are not. Additionally, for the individuals who are not enrolled, the survey will capture barriers that inhibit patients from enrolling in the portal. Lastly, we expect that the semi-structured interviews will reveal the expectations that patients will have in regards to the YourView portal once the results of the interpretations are organized and …show more content…

For the first and second study questions, we will employ a quantitative approach by administering a survey to the patient pool that will ask questions about their backgrounds. If the patient is not enrolled in the YourView patient portal, the survey will include additional questions that will aim to address the barriers, if any that are preventing them from enrolling. We expect that the results of the survey will reveal demographic differences between the enrollment groups, such as age, education level, and financial backgrounds. We also expect that the survey instrument will also show that factors, such as computer literacy, concerns about privacy, and knowledge of the resource appearing as prominent barriers for the individuals who not enrolled for the portal.
For the third question regarding portal expectations, we will extract qualitative information from semi-structured patient interviews. We will interview at patients from both enrollment and non-enrollment groups at random, and the semi-structuredness of the interview will be conducted in a way that allows the interviewer to probe further into any of the ideas or concepts that patients may bring