Nt1310 Unit 6 Lab

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In 2096, the Earth starts being exhausted of resources, water level rises due to climate change and the increasing radiation from the Sun. During this period, World War III happens with the two opposing sides are China and United States of America who are fighting for the ownership of the very limited resources on Earth. People would kill, steal, and rape others so that they can survive. Most people if not all have already lost their consciousness and sanity. However, a scientist named Sirloc is inventing a machine that hopefully will be able to solve the problem and bring peace back to Earth. The machine first receives the high energy electromagnetic wave from the Sun (in this case, its X-ray and UV) and has it colliding with a free electron. Then, the photon transfers some of its energy to the free electron. Therefore, the photo becomes less harmful and since the energy goes into increasing the electron’s kinetic energy which then generates electricity. …show more content…

In other words, Compton scattering occurs when only part of the photon energy is transferred to a free electron and the photon scatters with lower energy than the incident one. This increases the wavelength of the photon and increase the kinetic energy of the electron. The increase in wavelength is found to be . This can only happen if light behaves like particle. In fact, light has both wave-like and particle-like behavior. However, this phenomenon only happens when the electron is free and photon has high energy or X-ray because the energy of the photon need to exceed a certain

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