Nubian Beliefs

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Nubian kings were the mysterious Black Pharaohs of what is today known as the Sudan. Their history and the stories of their reign has become legendary amongst Africans and African Americans seeking their true ancestral roots. Although, the Nubian history is written off as heresy by early archeologists. These archeologists were driven by their ignorance. They had no belief that dark skinned people or even Africans could have risen to such high lengths in power. But now, in the heart of Sudan, great new archaeological findings reveal the actual truths about the great Kush dynasty. I believe with deep consideration of the findings within this ancient first cataract of Ancient Egypt, archeologists and historians will modify this history disaster as we know it. The true issue being that Europeans and Americans just do not find it to be believable that Africans could be civilized and even carry the knowledge to …show more content…

Egypt, though at this time during the mid 600 BCE it may have been known by the “Gift of the Nile,” was only a very minor portion of the vast Nile Valley culture. However, in 666 BCE the Assyrians conquered Egypt. These African rulers and many of their inhabitants migrated to and over a short period of time assimilated into the kingdom of Kush. They gathered just to the south region, which became greatly enriched with plenty of their contributions. In time Kush’s capital moved to the south, from Napata to Meroe, as Kush began to migrate itself southward nearer to the resources of the Nile River and also the heart of the continent. The power and control of the Kush Empire spread well beyond both branches of the longest river in the world, being the Nile. Meroe was in easy access of the Red Sea and so it was also to sea fairing people. This also led to the development of the iron industry within Meroe as early as 500 BCE. There was a great supply of iron ore and