Nuclear Dna In The Romanov Family

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Grave Site One
 DNA basics o DNA was extracted from powdered bone of each skeleton.
 Handled with extreme care since it could easily be contaminated. o Standard techniques for recovering DNA yielded only small amounts of DNA
 It was sufficient enough to try to do nucDNA testing using STR
• Used to determine the sex of the skeleton o Showed that the three adolescent remains were female
• Used to determine if the skeletons were related o Five of the nine were part of the same family group
 Nuclear DNA (nucDNA) o Five STR makers were used to confirm the sex of each skeleton o Used to established a familial relationship of the Romanov family
 Romanov family identified
• Tsar Nicholas II
• Tsarina Alexandra
• Three young female skeletons o Grand …show more content…

Georgij was exhumed and a sample was taken along with a fresh sample from Nicholas …show more content…

 It was found that Georgij had the same point of heteroplasmy but was in a different ratio, he was mostly 16169 C/t while Nicholas was mostly 16169 T/c
 Skeleton o Complicated to determine the number of individuals
 The grave contained damaged and fragmented bone lying in disorder
• More than 900 pieces of bones, teeth, and bone fragments were examined o Determined that there was nine individual skeletons o Identifying the skeletons
 No reliable records for information such