Unit 8 Dna Research Paper

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DNA from the actual parents - Use these chromosomes to make a baby for the DNA profile. Sample D D 248 BP___TPOX #2 Pater. Chromo D 145 BP_D5 S818 #5 Pater. Chromo D 220 BP_D7 S820 #7 Pater. Chromo D 173 BP_D13 S317 #13 Pater. Chromo D 248 BP___TPOX #2 Mater. Chromo D 137 BP_D5 S818 #5 Mater. Chromo D 204 BP_D7 S820 #7 Mater. Chromo D 189 BP_D13 S317 #13 Mater. Chromo Sample E E 232 BP___TPOX #2 Pater. Chromo E 165 BP_D5 S818 #5 Pater. Chromo E 212 BP_D7 S820 #7 Pater. Chromo E 173 BP_D13 S317 #13 Pater. Chromo E 224 BP___TPOX #2 Mater. Chromo E 141 BP_D5 S818 #5 Mater. Chromo E 212 BP_D7 S820 #7 Mater. Chromo E 169 BP_D13 S317 #13 Mater. Chromo Electrophoresis Gel Table Don 't forget to answer the questions following the electrophoresis gel table! …show more content…

Chromosome #2 with locus TPOX with a length of 248 base pairs was only found in the parent sample A. None of the chromosomes from sample b matched the chromosomes from A, C, or D+E except for maternal TPOX chromosome from B and the paternal TPOX from C. 3. Would this exercise still work properly if you had chosen any combination of maternal and paternal chromosomes for chromosomes 2, 5, 7, and 13 from samples D & E? Yes because the maternal and parental chromosomes would still be put on the electrophoresis table. The parents turn out different based on DNA combos that are chosen. 4. What is the term for the random arrangement of homologous pairs of chromosomes during the first division of meiosis? Independent Assortment 5. What role does the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) play in producing a DNA Profile? PCR amplifies the regions of DNA with short tandem repeats and uses primers with fluorescent labels. This works by replicating the region of DNA several times. The same region is also amplified on both chromosomes, however they are different sizes, which are then put into gel