Nuclear Medicine: Nt1310 Unit 9 Final Paper

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1. Write a brief introduction about the diagnostic imaging modality.
Nuclear medicine is a section of medical imaging that uses radioactive medication known as radiotracers or radiopharmaceutical (Understanding nuclear medicine, 2009). Radiotracers are given to the patient through injection, swallowing or inhalation, which makes the body radioactive for a short time. The radiation is detected by a special camera, and then the image is produced. (Cain, 2013) NM is used to treat and diagnose diseases by looking to the physiology of the body (Understanding nuclear medicine, 2009). NM includes Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, cardiovascular imaging and bone scanning (Morgan, 2012).

2. What …show more content…

4) The computer will convert the electrical signals to computer signal that will become images.
5) The 3D or 2D images will be displayed through the screen in colors or gray scale depending on the type of the study, and it can be sent, manipulated or saved on a disk by using the keyboard. (How Does Nuclear Medicine Work? | Nuclear Medicine | Imaginis - The Women's Health & Wellness Resource Network, 2008)

4. Write about two advantages and two disadvantages of the imaging system.
• Advantages
1. By using NM, doctors have higher chances of early detection of diseases and heath conditions which increase the percentage of healing (5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Medicine, 2016).
2. Images that are produced by this system are detailed and accurate. Even the most sensitive parts are showen in great detail without any surgeries (5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Medicine, 2016).
• Disadvantages
1. It is expensive to operate (5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Medicine, 2016).
2. The machine occupies a large space (PET scan and SPEC, …show more content…

Since the patient is given radiopharmaceutical, it may cause allergic reaction. Therefore, the patient must tell the technologist, doctor or nurse before the radiopharmaceutical is given to him/her. However, cases of allergic reactions are very rare (Cain, 2013). The second safety risk issue is radiation. Gamma rays of this system are ionizing radiation that causes changes in body’s molecules. Too much exposure to ionizing radiation can damage the tissues. Children, young women and fetus are more sensitive to this type of radiation than others (Fahey, 2012).
• Maintaining the Highest Level of Safety with NM Workers in nuclear medicine should follow safety rules. While working with radioactive materials, personal protective equipment like gloves, protective eye wear and cloths and in some cases fume hoods must be used. NM procedures must be practiced in special closed places. Moreover, radioactive materials and their equipment are only used in the authorized areas in the hospital. The occupational dose for the worker must not exceed 6 mSv/year.

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