
Nuclear Weapons Persuasive Essay

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The U.S. dropped their first and hopefully last nuclear bomb on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the year of 1945. And that began the age of nuclear power. Since then, nuclear weapons have advanced and become more stronger, but have not been fired at civilized areas. Many people argue that nuclear weapons are bad, and that they are useless because we don’t even use nuclear weapons. But many people don’t know what nuclear weapons do behind the scenes. Nuclear weapons do much more than just sitting on shelves and decaying away. I believe that nuclear weapons are needed to prevent and stop attacks. In this essay you will read about how nuclear weapons deteriorate other countries, how the nuclear weapons actually help stopped the Cold …show more content…

According to the article “National Debate Topic 2001-02: Weapons of Mass Destruction”, it states that, “The possession of nuclear arms by both nations actually may have prevented the Cold War escalating.” (Infobase Learning 2001, pg.2). You might be scratching your head and wondering, how nuclear weapons could have stopped the Cold War from escalating? Well if you read the previous paragraph, it states that the theory of MAD stopped countries from launching attacks on other nation. During the Cold War, both sides of the war (the West versus the USSR) had nuclear weapons. And if the theory of nuclear deterrence is correct in this case, both sides didn’t want to launch a nuclear attack on each other, because they both have a lot of nuclear weapons, which means that they will destroy both their enemies and themselves. Also a diagram titled “The Nuclear Arms Race”, it states that, “It was the main issue in the Cold War when both America and Russia challenging each other to increase their stockpile of nuclear weapons.” (WatchTheAmericans, designed by Gino Selva 2013). This means that the country with the most nuclear weapons have the most

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