Number 13 Interpretation

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I downloaded all your paintings to my pc, Ken, so, I could look at closer the painting of the stars and what I saw is the clock has the number 13 in the place of the number 12, and the 9 is the only number which is missing. Right! The 13 is the number of the transformation or transition from one plane into another. The number 13 is a karmic number that involves a hard and anguishing trial, as the death, so I think that, when someone is near to death, we could say that person is near to its hour 13, however, it would also be close to its hour 13, someone who is about to be born, because being born is also a transition and a very hard test, and according to some, even harder than dying. The number 13 faces us at the conscience, and therefore, at the affliction to have to accept our own mortality, a thing that doesn't happen when we are born, because nobody is conscientious of what is going to happen during that event. I suppose due to all these symbologies the number 13 is at the top of the clock instead of the number 12, exactly in the middle, between of the baby and the tombstone.

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