When I was a little girl I knew that I wanted to be a Nursery Nurse like my aunt. I was the child who used to always want to play schools with my peers or the children in my family (poor things!). I also used to sit my teddies in a row so they could see the story I was reading them. I had my own display board for my children’s (teddies’) work. I created registers and my very own going home box out of a shoebox. For over twenty years I was a Nursery Nurse who developed professionally by undertaking different roles within my school, attending courses to help me reach my full potential, but now I feel that I need to do more for the children and the families in my care. I have a vision of what I want to achieve and provide as a fully qualified teacher. …show more content…
Last year there was an opportunity for me to become an unqualified teacher in nursery. Whilst the experience has been exhausting and sometimes frustrating it has also been invigorating, inspiring and lots of fun and I would not have missed it for the world. I do not mind the late nights or spending part of the summer holiday getting nursery ready for September. Being accountable and sharing the responsibility with another teacher for reports, planning, Tapestry journals and data to me seems like the small price you pay for the privilege of being able to guide the children towards their future. Being a leading member of a group of adults requires the ability to be diplomatic and motivational, to enable the nursery as a community to achieve our common goals the children’s happiness and well-being whilst