Nursery Observation

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The children in the nursery have shown an interest lately in our coloured wooden shapes and also in our cylinders. They have been observed looking into the cylinders like binoculars as well as looking through the coloured area of the shapes like they are glasses. Therefore our activity today was a combination of both of these observations. Our nursery educator Kat taped coloured cellophane (primary colours – blue, red, and yellow) to one end of the cylinders to allow the children to continue their exploration. This is an opportunity for the children practice their fine motor skills as they hold the cylinder shapes (EYLF 3.2), colour recognition as they look through the coloured cellophane (EYLF 5.1), and to explore imaginative play (EYLF 4.1), communication skills (EYLF 5.1). Emma was first to notice the coloured cylinders and excitedly took one from the table and had a look inside. Emily.E and Aria enjoyed looking through the different length cylinders but both at separate stages turned the short cylinders into drums and started playing them. Emily.E and Safiya stacked their coloured cylinders into 2 tall towers (EYLF 4.1.3). Cooper tried out all the colours. He commented “dark, dark” as he looked through the short red cylinder, which was very observant as the short red gives the darkest vision. Aofie and Sean both put a different colour on each eye and started to …show more content…

Harriet initiated the group to sing Row, Row, Row your boat. They all did hand actions as they sang together (EYLF 3.2, 5.1). Madison enjoyed typing on her keyboard and then moved onto pulling and pushing the animal shapes on the 3D maze (EYLF 3.2). After her lunch she practiced saying “ready, set, go” and was able to play this fun language game with a few different educators (EYLF 5.1.3). Charlie.M has been wanting to stand up more and more with the help of his educators (EYLF

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