Nursing Admissions Essay

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I believe the greatest reward, as a physician, is the ability to solve people’s health issues. I will have the opportunity to reduce or eliminate troublesome, even deadly problems that hinder my patients. Through my service opportunities, I have provided necessities and performed simple health screenings to help others. However, I was not able to fully treat them. Only the physicians were able to fully address the patients’ medical concerns due to their extensive schooling and clinical experience. In addition, patients maintain great trust with their physicians to the extent of being willing to disclose their most personal and intimate matters. As a physician, I can serve as an attentive listener when patients are most vulnerable and see a side of people that is not normally revealed. From listening intently to them and using my previous knowledge, I will have to piece it all together and determine a diagnosis. Each patient’s case is a puzzle that will make me think critically and motivates me to be a life-long learner. Furthermore, solving health issues will also provide opportunities to teach by educating patients on their …show more content…

Despite my years of schooling and treating previous patients, there will be situations I cannot save my patients. As a previous patient, I can relate to some of the anxiety and discomfort the patients’ experience. However, my illnesses were still ultimately treatable. I can barely fathom the fear that they are dealing with. Seeing them struggle with terminal illnesses and not being able to treat them will pain me. Regardless, I will still work relentlessly to ensure that they are comfortable and not in too much pain. Family members may pressure me to try to extend the patients’ lives, despite being against the patients’ priorities. I will continue being an advocate for my patients’ wishes until the end, even if it not the most favorable thing to