
Chronic Pain Case Study

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Madam L is a 67 years old female married lady living in a HDB flat with her husband and children. The caregivers are her family members, who take turns in caring for her needs as all of them are working. She had a mild stroke attack 2 months ago resulting in left-sided weakness, and she was admitted for five days in Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH). However, she complained about the pain she had been having for sometimes. Madam L’s family was unaware of her pain issues and upon her discharged she was not given any analgesic except for her other comorbidities.

In relation to Madam L’s case on her episode of stroke previously, she has been going through chronic pain and unable to perform her activities of daily living (ADL) like before. It became a major concern for her as she is taking care of her …show more content…

As stated by (6), persistent chronic pain can suppress the immune system by activating the pituitary-adrenal axis. It can cause various negative effects on the patient such as cardiovascular, renal systems and gastrointestinal. As a result, the pain can affect the elderly ADL (7).

According to (8), pain should be promptly addressed and managed to avoid unnecessary risk of legal action. Undertreatment of pain is a widespread problem and every 1 of 2 elderly experienced pain and are poorly managed as mentioned by (9). Another reason that contributes to pain, could be the misconception of the aging process, the stigma of the patient admitted for pain, difficulty in communicating pain and believing pain is part of the normal aging process (10). Some older people have the fear of the effects of medication for pain such as addiction, constipation or sedation, as a result, this group of older people do not convey their pain and suffer in silence

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