Pain Assessment

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Introduction The topic of this essay is pain assessment in advanced dementia scale (PAINAD) (Appendix 1) (Warden, hurley and Volicer 2003). This PAINAD was discover during my field visit in community hospital which is the Assisi hospice. Assisi hospice use this as a clinical guide line in assessing pain for demented patient, this drive me to know more about assessing pain for this special group of demented patient. In Tan Tock Seng hospital, both general ward and geriatric ward are not using this pain assessment in advanced dementia scale for assessing pain for demented patient. In Tan Tock Seng hospital, both general ward and geriatric ward nurses are using Wong baker pain assessment scale for those patient unable to describe or verbalize …show more content…

There are symbolic of pain: breathing independent of vocalization, negative vocalization, facial expression, body language and lastly is consolability. For using this pain assessment tools, nurse has to observed the advanced demented patient both at rest and during activity with or with treatment. For each of the five components select the score (0,1, 2) that demonstrated on the patient’s behaviour. Added the score in each component then giving a total maximum score of 10. The score range from 0 to 10 indicated higher number showed more severe pain. This scoring allow nurse to monitor the pain by giving the pain medication according to the pain level as well as able to monitor whether patient response to the pain treatments over …show more content…

There is no conflict of interest regarding this pain assessment tools. For meaningfulness, implementing PAIND improved quality of life of demented patient. This was showed that pain was addressed in a manner that medication given able to reduce the distress , agitation behaviour. Implementing PAIND does not bring any harm and potential risk to patient. Next, For the effectiveness, it is better than Wong baker scale which was used in Tan Tock seng Seng because that does not specific to address pain in demented patient. Conclusion: Pain assessment is significant in nursing for everyday practice in the clinical area. The correct assessment tools able to evaluating the correct medication, treatment and elderly’s quality of life. Assessment in cognitive impair demented patient is challenges difficulty, nurses using a pain assessment scale in detecting pain and provide a comprehensive approach to solves the pain problem. Assessment and reassessment in accurate and regular documentation of pain score is essential to decrease their behaviour disturbance and evaluating the continuity care and improved quality of life in elderly

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