Nursing Role Of Nurse Essay

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As well as Intra partum emergencies are challenging to all peri natal nurses because of the increased risk of adverse outcomes for the mother and fetus. Situations that call for obstetrics nursing interventions during the labor include monitoring the progress of labor, reviewing the nursing chart, performing vaginal examinations, assessing the cardiotocograph, infusion of oxytocin, providing pain relief, surgical assistant by forceps or ventouse and cesarean section (ACOG, 2012).

Even more, the role of nurse as administrator and as a member of the multidisciplinary team during the intra partum care, the nurse is responsible for advanced planning of personnel equipment and resources to promote a safe birth .the nurse collaborates with all members of the multi disciplinary team to ensure that the wishes of the women and family. Nurse provides advanced consultations and the woman's physical, emotional and spiritual needs are met. Nurse works as a direct care provider, the nurse possess keen knowledge base, meticulous assessment and priorities intervention …show more content…

Also, nurses are in the unique position to affect change to improve patient care standards. The nurse creates a safe environment for patients. Universal precautions are designed to prevent the transmission of blood borne pathogens when providing first aid or health care (Centers for disease control and prevention, 2012). Infection control in maternity units should be priorities as a major strategy to reduce the high rate of morbidity and mortality. Operational strategies, guide lines and protocols for infection control based on international standards should be developed and become available to all health care facilities providing maternity care (Edoja et al.,

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