Nursing Vulnerability Research

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Based on your experiences in practice, identify a vulnerable client/patient or group, reflect on what contributed to this individual's/group's vulnerability and discuss how this was addressed in practice.
Studying vulnerability, three problematic issues recur throughout the literature. Firstly, it is an important concept for nursing students to understand as Daniel, (1998),explains, it is through vulnerability that nurses and patients engage. Vulnerability has implications for and effects on health, (Rogers, DATE). Secondly epidemiology studies report that vulnerable populations are set to increase in need and number worldwide, making increasing demands on already overstretched health and social care services, (Shi and Stevens, 2005). Lastly, …show more content…

Indeed, Phillips, (1992), addresses this complexity by describing vulnerability as an attribute of the total person-environment interaction, encapsulating ideas on rights, capacities and risks. Copp (DATE), argues that being unwell and in need of nursing or less than fully able and in need of care makes individuals increasingly vulnerable. These factors threaten independence, limit choice, deny individuality and, " damage our humanity," (p258), as we become increasingly dependent on others as they control, "the presence and absence of what is needed." (p258). This is because the freedoms, respect, dignity and integrity that society still allows illness and disability, (REF socisl model), to detract from, are crucial for human development and fulfilment. This is partly why these concepts have been …show more content…

I undertook risk assessments, bought equipment, consulted professionals from different disciplines, worked with parent to find an outstanding key worker for Charlie and trained staff. I met with Charlie and parent at their home and a child development centre on several occasions, in attempts to reduce the potential for stress and anxiety inherent in the transition. I recognised the increased stress had potential to impact negatively, (Rogers,date) on Charlie and family's health, immune function and wellbeing, and my role in trying to protect and shield Charlie and family from this. This protective function is described in the literature as a fundamental and legitimate part of nursing and caring and ethically vital in maintaining the health and wellbeing of vulnerable people, (Sellman, DATE).
Thinking about implementing best practice and stress led to thoughts on what I was attempting to protect Charlie from. I recognised that Charlie attending my setting, becoming involved with a large multi- disciplinary team and spending time without family outside the home would be stressful for all family members because of their dependence on us and input from many different sources potentially threatening their functioning, (Atherton,