Nutritionist Career Goals

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This paper is being submitted on March 28, 2017, for De’Asha Love’s HS100 Introduction to Health Science course. Career Goals The field of Nutrition has been one of the fastest growing fields over the years. The demand for Nutritionists has increased as people have developed a need to implement healthy living through their dieting. Nutritionists examine how the nutrients in food are processed and stored in the human body. Their primary role is to help aid their patients in developing a healthier diet that will result in benefiting their overall health. A Certified Clinical Nutritionists, however, focuses on the way foods are digested and absorbed in the body. The way foods affect an individual’s body biochemically is their primary concentration. …show more content…

Some of the skills I would need to have are analytical, organizational, speaking and people skills. Analytical skill is the ability to articulate or solve both complex and uncomplicated problems based off available information. This is a skill I believe I already master well because I love to learn and study that which I have yet to acquire knowledge about and apply it to real life scenarios. Being a Nutritionist would require me to research how different foods affect the human body and apply it to the patient’s unique body. Organizational skill includes, but is not limited to, time management, scheduling and coordinating. This is an important attribute for a Nutritionist to have because they would have the responsibility of developing a plan of nutritional care for their patient in a timely manner. I believe during my pursuit of my degree, I will develop strategies on how I can improve my time management. I can procrastinate at times, so this is an area I would need to shift my focus to. Speaking skill is simply being able to communicate information. As a Nutritionist, you will need to effectively convey information in a way your patient would be able to understand. I am already very vocal, especially as it pertains to helping and providing others with information that will better them down the road. Lastly, people skill is the ability to listen, communicate and relate to others on a professional …show more content…

I would be in the process of obtaining my certification through CNCB’s post graduate program. Since the program is online, I would love to still work in the nutritional field during this time. I plan to become a Nutritionist at a local fitness center. This would allow me to better acquaint myself with providing patient care through nutrition. I have already begin to network with a fitness trainer who is looking for a Nutritionist to help assist them in their gym. I have no doubt there will be a difficulty finding a job in my field of work because the field of Nutrition is so