
Oakley's Emotions In The Video Bug Life

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In the video “Bug life,” Oakley showed his emotions when he saw the bug; he had a big smile on his face, he seemed like he was very happy to see the bug. The HighScope Infant-Toddler Key Developmental Indicators (n.d) skill # 8 Emotions states that “Children express emotions.” Therefore, I conclude that Oakley demonstrated an emotion skill that is norm for his age in the video. In the video “Oakley arrives,” Oakley just arrived in his center and would not let go of his mom; the educator took him from his mom and he did not cry, because he was familiar with his educator; and the educator suggested a book for him. The HighScope Infant-Toddler Key Developmental Indicators (n.d) skill #5 Attachment states that “Children form an attachment to a primary caregiver.” Inconclusion, Oakley demonstrated emotions that meets the norm for his age in the video. …show more content…

According to Crowther (2006), a child between the ages of 2 to 3 years “spontaneously initiates hugging and kissing activities with peers or adults” (p.114) is an indicator of emotion, Emotional control. Inconclusion, Oakley demonstrated emotions that meets the norm for his age in the video. In the video “Oakley's smock,” was very positive toward learning because he asked the educator to put his smock on; and he accepted her help; he seemed like he really wanted to paint. The Preschool section of Elect Document, Under Emotional states that “asking for and accepting help when needed“ (Best Start Expert Panel, 2007, p. 47) is an indicator of Positive Attitudes towards Learning. Therefore, I conclude that Oakley demonstrated a emotional skills that is norm for his age when he asked the educator for

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