
Obama And George Washington Similarities

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Barack Obama and George Washington have many similarities and differences. In the paragraphs below I will explain some examples of the things these two presidents have in common, and also many things they do not have in common. One similarity I will mention is that they both raised two children. And also, one difference I will mention is that they served two terms, but they were different lengths. I will also mention their ages and their wife’s and vice president’s names.
Barack Obama and George Washington have many similarities and differences. In the text it states, “President George Washington and President Barack Obama both served 2 terms as president. One thing that is also different about this is that Barack Obama served for 8 years exactly. But, George Washington served for 7 years and 9 months, not 8 years. Another similarity they share is that they both raised two children. But once again, it isn’t completely the same. Barack Obama raised two of his own children. And George Washington raised two children also, but they weren’t his, they were his wife’s children. These are examples of both similarities and …show more content…

But, they also have many differences. In the paragraphs above, I mentioned that the president's share the common trait that they both served two terms. This fact that I stated can be used as a similarity and a difference. This is because they both served what they called, two terms, but Washington’s two terms was shorter than Obama’s two terms. I also mentioned that they were born in different places. Barack was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. And George was born in Westmoreland County, Virginia. One similarity that I mentioned above was that they both raised, or are raising two children. Barack Obama is raising two of his own children, and George Washington raised his wife’s two children. Overall, these two presidents had a lot of things in common and they also has many

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