Obesity Epidemic: 2014 Lancet Study

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Cooper A SPC1024 Grossman Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. The obesity epidemic is one of the biggest crises affecting the world today. According to a 2014 Lancet study, the United States is home to the highest number of overweight and obese people. There are several factors that contribute to obesity. In the United States the portion sizes are one of the biggest factor that contributes to obesity. Americans value quantity over quality, they eat larger portions at each meal and the excess calorie intake contributes to weight gain. Seventy percent of the American diet is made up of processed food. Foods high in calories, fat, sodium and preservatives also contribute to weight gain. Excessive food energy intake and lack of physical activity is another key contributor to weight gain. …show more content…

For children the Health Survey for England (HSE) from 2014 showed that 17% of children were obese and 14% were overweight. The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has warned that obesity is “ the biggest public health crisis facing the UK today.” Tackling the obesity epidemic is no easy task but various groups including, government, food and health care professionals have made attempts to highlight and address the causes of it, and try to suggest solutions to this growing problem. In 2013, 220 000 doctors in the United Kingdom presented an action plan to help tackle the obesity crisis. Some of the recommendations suggested included a ban on new fast food outlets being located close to schools and colleges, food-based standards to be mandatory in all UK hospitals. A ban on advertising of foods high in saturated fats, sugars and salt before 9pm. A duty on all sugary soft drinks was also

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