Obesity In America Essay

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Often times, the busy, fast paced daily life of many Americans plays a major role in choices-typically dealing with convenience- especially with food. Fast food chains offer quick service and inexpensive prices that then become reliable sources for a meal. In spite of the high-speed service and various affordable menu choices, the fact of the matter is fast food chains have contributed significantly to a myriad of negative consequences in the United States. Fast food restaurants are the cause of the increasing obesity epidemic in America, and the consumption of unhealthy, highly processed meals should be limited in order for the diseases such as Diabetes and Coronary Artery Disease to decrease, reassessment of the need to take control of life to occur, and overall for Americans to live a healthier lifestyle. When individuals lack the time and/or money for a nutritious …show more content…

According to Adriel Bettelheim in “Obesity and Health,” obesity is the “…second leading killer of American, behind smoking,” with 300,000 deaths yearly (29, 35). Because obesity is an immoderate source of sugar, fat, cholesterol, and sodium, the likeliness of an obese individual to be diagnosed with diabetes is increasing, as author Kenneth Jost confirms in “Diabetes Epidemic,” “one out of seven people classified as obese have diabetes” (187). Not only would the individual need to watch out for the complications that follow obesity concerning health and self esteem, but also diseases that can arise from

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