Obesity In America Essay

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"I am desperate for change, not in 8 years or 12 years, but right now". A quote from Michelle Obama that really changed my perspective on life.
In recent years there has been an alarming rise of obesity in rich countries and even in developing countries. The rise has such importance in the rich countries that obesity has become one of the very first public health problem. The percentage of people concerned has increased significantly in many countries. This trend was observed in most European countries, North America and several countries in South America and Asia, where the number of obese people has more than doubled over the past years with new factors, and includes more and more the children of our world. The increased prevalence of this phenomenon, which is now considered a disease is observed both in men than in women and in all age groups especially in kids. The genesis of obesity is a complex phenomenon. Indeed, each person is different facing all factors of obesity. However I find some factors that have a decisive …show more content…

Why that? Well simply because most people associate the term "obesity" as “the American style of living.” However, the American way of life did not remain only in the United States as some might think. Instead, the American way of life has gradually, and in different forms spread in the world. Obesity is a disease that is becoming increasingly important worldwide. Only it is not uniform in all countries. The United States is obviously on top of the list for countries most affected with obesity. In the early 90s, only a few people of the US population was affected by obesity. Today, we can say that we live in a society which is associated with fast food, technology, lack of outdoor activity, basically living unhealthy, eating bad choices without looking at the content of it, but just appreciating the

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