Obesity In America Essay

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Why are Obesity Rates Higher in America than other Countries?
Obesity rates are higher in America than European and South American countries because we have so much fast food like McDonald’s, Burger king, and KFC. Fast food is cheap and people spend half of their paycheck on food everyday that’s why Americas are consuming more calories and fatty food, nobody wants to spend a lot of money when they can get something quick and greasy. Obesity affects people that work in factories and other work sites they often get laid off more than skinner people because they feel like they can be more help to the company and that’s also a unemployment problem, people in low income countries don’t have a getting laid off problem because of their weight, cause …show more content…

The American tradition mastered the art of quick meals, microwavable dinners, frozen pizzas, mac and cheese, and kid cuisines. In other countries they consider fast food for their creative pizza to rice burgers we wish this kind of food can come to America (Nazario). Even the snacks we eat are way different in other countries we eat more salty, cheesy, and sugar drenched goodies than the world (horovitz). “It becomes the perfect scapegoat for our nation’s obesity crisis. With the consumption of burgers, fries, soda, nuggets and pizza, in the simple drama unfolding about obesity the role as the villains is currently being played by Burger king, McDonalds, and other vendors who can quickly serve up tasty, cheap, and calorically dense food. The chemicals in fast food only takes advantage of children about the fact is all food is processed of natural is 100% compromised of chemicals, the author also claims fast food is dangerous just like Alcohol, cigarettes, and guns the government can’t give children those things so why should they put unnatural chemicals in their favorite kids meals” (slow burn on fast

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